My Brother is MARRIED!

/ Jun 20, 2012 /
So..earlier in the month my TWIN BROTHER got married. Omg.
My brother and I...and our dad.
My brother met his fiance Lauren (who, if I had to pick a soul mate for my womb mate, she would be it. Hands down. Couldn't have done better myself.) at the YMCA when they were both working there. Since then, they have been the most amazing pair.

Seriously, how stupid adorable are they.

Robert and I drove down to Richmond and got to see a few friends, and on that Saturday I watched my twin brother get married. Oh my god. Lauren was really awesome and asked me to be a bridesmaid (AHH YES) and when they had us in the room before we walked to the beginning of the procession, I got frantic and forgot that I didn't have a hankerchief and started looking for a dish towel. The lady that was handing us our flowers handed me ONE SQARE OF TOILET TISSUE. I was like, "Lady, I am the twin sister of the groom...are you kidding me..."
So, my little brother (who is not so little anymore...he will be 18 this August WHAT THE HELL) was a groomsmen and was my partner to walk down the aisle. We got to the end and parted ways, and then Lauren starts walking down the Aisle. I looked at my twin brothers face (he started crying) then I looked at my younger brothers face (he was crying) and then I lost it. I was doing the scrunch face and everything. The Barnes Kids were the only people in the wedding party crying (it's genetic, I swear. We cry at everything). And then, they were married :)
The reception was SO amazing and had SUCH good energy!!! Congrats to my brother and my new sister in law!

Laruen, Kyle, Brad & Me

^I DIE!!!! Hahahaha!



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