So, I was fortunate enough to be involved in a trade with the super talented red-headed extroidenaire LeslieBot! She is an "Illustrator, Caricaturist, Craftster, Knitter, Zinester and all around cool chick."
Definatly a cool lady for sure! So here is my batch of goodies from Miss Leslie:

WOO! An AMAZING gouache painting of a swimmer lady holding a flying fish (!!!), a mini zine titled "Belly Button" which is CUTE AS A BUTTON and another mini zine titled "I Like" which, obviously, I like...A postcard print of her cutie-patootie baboon illustration, a button with a birdy, and a page from an old old book about minerals with a BEAUTIFUL opal on it!! So yes, I am enamored with my collection of wonderfuls from miss Leslie! I'm nearing the time of sending mine out to her, but here's a peek at the painting. It's 13.5" x 5.5" acrylic on wood plaque. I'm also sending her other goodies but I'll get a picture of it from her when she receives it!!
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